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Passively Job Searching Without Much Luck? Try This On For Size…

Social Posts / November 3, 2022
MFW Social Posts
November 3, 2022



Top candidates (you?) are more discerning than the average job seeker. We get that.

At #mfw, we also realize that there’s no “magic solution” to attracting those we desire to work for our awesome company. Just the same, we recognize how outstanding performers are qualifying new opportunities. Some of those qualifiers include:

🚛 Employer BRAND. What does the company stand for? What does it believe? What’s regarded as “most important?” Is there proof, or is it all just hollow words and promises?

🚛 Right FIT. Everything mentioned within these four bullet points lends itself to “fit,” and that’s more a personal taste issue (and wants and needs) more than anything else. Still, the ‘A’ player wants to know for certain if her “puzzle piece” fits nicely into an organization’s overall puzzle.

🚛 The Employee EXPERIENCE. Everything communicates, right? Think “culture.” Flexibility. Job satisfaction. Work-life balance. Heck, will you be just a wheel on the bus, or will you have a say in terms of where the bus is going?

🚛 Fair and Equitable PAY. Performance should dictate income, right? The last thing ‘A’ players want is to be treated like everyone else when in fact they’re outperforming others – sometimes by a lot.

👉 So yes, we hear you. So much so that we ask that even if you’re just passively exploring new opportunities – those worthy of a top performer like yourself – to give us a call.

If you’ve been unimpressed with your job search, then let’s talk. In fact, YOU talk and we’ll listen. And we’ll be honest to a fault with our responses.

You deserve forthright answers to the four elements outlined above; elements that are integral to a fulfilling career experience.

We stand at the ready. Go ahead, pick up the phone 📲 or email us 📧. We would enjoy speaking with you and hearing your story and determining if our puzzle pieces fit together.

#jobsearch #transportation #logistics #freightforwarding