MFW Social Posts
October 18, 2022
DRAYAGE, AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUR COMPANY’S NET PROFIT (PART III OF A FOUR-PART SERIES) “The Final Mile” gets a lot of ink, but what about “The First Mile,” as in from ocean port inland – that initial short distance movement? Or for that matter, any short haul. In the logistics world, one container’s journey from “ship-to-shelf” (or final destination) is akin to a row of dominoes. Drayage is the first domino to fall, and if it doesn’t fall correctly it affects the entire row. 💡 It’s been said that if you go to Silicon Valley, nobody knows what drayage is. And if you go to Wall Street, no one has ever heard of it, either. Yet this component of the supply chain is critically important. Consider that of the many large ports across the U.S. – including Seattle, Oakland, Houston, New York, and New Jersey – over one quarter of the total container trade in North America travels through the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Annual trade movement at the Long Beach Port alone is valued at $194 billion annually! So, what happens when a freight broker like #mfw gets the call for a challenging drayage move? 🚛 NOT YOUR AVERAGE COMMODITY. A customer of ours needed to move recycled metal, causing our Spidey-sense to kick in, aka our innovative, problem-solving DNA. We searched high and low, inside and outside of the typical drayage carrier network to find a partner that was not only able to move the product safely, but efficiently as well. Our shipper was beyond-thrilled! Is your broker a true extension of your company, impacting not just your bottom line, but also: 👉 Keeping your sales organization’s customer promise? 👉 Helping you control your transportation budget? 👉 Saving you time and potential headaches? “Value” is whatever the customer thinks it is. We’re proud to say that most of our customers recognize how we supplement our price quote with other complementary features that affect overall efficiencies. We’d love to hear about your specific needs and determine how we can help. Please give us a call today! |