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Trucking News

Do You Really Get What You Pay For?

Social Posts / June 7, 2022
MFW Social Posts
June 7, 2022



Think of the last time you paid more for something that you could have purchased for less elsewhere.

Why did you make that decision? What did you take into account?

It seems like everything is going up in price these days, yet many of us are still willing to pay a bit more for certain products, services, and experiences. Why is that?

Maybe – just maybe – there are other important factors to take into consideration that make life a little easier:

🤜 Response time measured in minutes, not hours or days

🤜 New ideas and solutions to tough problems that actually yield significant results

🤜 100% truth 100% of the time (trust and confidence, anyone?)

Sure, gas might just be gas, and milk might just be milk. Commodities, both. We get it.

But moving high value freight across the country in a time-sensitive, safe, and high quality manner … where your 3PL partner is the linchpin to YOUR customer’s satisfaction?

That’s a totally different story, yes?

You certainly get what you pay for.

That’s why many of our customers at #mfw will often pay a little more to receive our industry-leading service … because they know they can’t leave anything to chance.

Anyone can say, “We have GREAT customer service!” At MFW, we’ve operationalized it.

We believe that it matters who you do business with, and take that concept seriously. Do you?

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding