MFW Social Posts
May 5, 2022
Tom Peters – best-selling author, renowned keynote speaker, and respected management guru – has been known to say:
“You can have the lion’s share of any market if you just give AVERAGE service!”
Imagine that. Customer service, generally speaking, is so poor that the “average” variety can un-even a competitive playing field (at least in Mr. Peters’ opinion).
Maybe that’s why uncommon, superior service stands out so much?
But hey, our purpose-driven environment at #mfw – coupled with our core behaviors and obsessions that we live by every day – is what allows us to flourish.
** Those aren’t just words on a page **
We’re confident that the “MFW Experience” would bear this out if shippers measured us – and our competitors – on this critical metric (service) and other KPIs.
Which begs the question: If you’re NOT using us today, why not compare us…MEASURE us…against your incumbent?
Think about it. If we know one thing about traffic managers, transportation professionals, logistics experts and the like…it’s that they tend to measure the hell out of EVERYTHING. Just as it should be!
After all, what gets measured gets managed, and what gets managed gets done. Right?
So, isn’t it about time that your transportation solutions provider(s) be held accountable to the important objectives you task them with?
Go ahead. Make our day. We’re up to the challenge.