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Who On Your Team Is Really Contributing To Success?

Social Posts / July 21, 2022
MFW Social Posts
July 21, 2022


Maybe you saw it last week. The story of one of the world’s most dominant teams.

No, not a sports a team.

A MATH team. And a high school math team, at that.

Dozens of teens at Buchholz High School in Gainesville, FL work each day – it’s summertime, mind you – on key math areas including code-breaking, probability, combinatorics, differential equations, and pre-algebra.

Little to no adult supervision required. The students TEACH OTHER. #commitment

The results, you ask? These ‘mathletes’ have won 13 of the last 14 National Math Championships. The average margin of victory in the school’s previous national titles was 315 points. Last year it won by ** 920 **.

Talk about a dynasty!

To put that into context: The U.S. has slipped to 37th place in the latest international rankings of teenage math performance while China is producing more STEM doctorates than American universities for the first time.

And so…a few tips in choosing YOUR “transportation partner team,” according to Buchholz’s math team mastermind, Will Frazer, a former Wall Street bond trader:

➡️  Identify talent (Frazer hunts for prospects at younger ages, then molds them into winners)

➡️ Maximize potential (putting a bunch of smart people in a room to learn from another)

➡️ Optimize the system (often in unconventional ways; Frazer discovered that his teams, in the early days, were getting beat because other schools were teaching math in an entirely different way)

➡️ The goal is “Patter Recognition,” not the status quo (as it is in life, so it is with math problems; it’s like Moneyball’s Billy Beane were running a math team)

➡️ Respect autonomy (the kids feel empowered to make each other smarter)

If you’re looking to create a similar winning machine, we’d like to considered. Find out what the BEST are doing, and get them on your team fast. The economy isn’t getting better any time soon.

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding