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Trucking News

Similar To Election Day, You Have Impactful Choices To Make

Social Posts / November 8, 2022
MFW Social Posts
November 8, 2022



As the U.S. makes its political choices today, so goes the direction, health, and overall performance of the country.

The stakes – as always – are high.

🚛 Similarly, the choices top transportation professionals make determines the effectiveness of THEIR respective company’s performance.

Supply chains. Costs. Customer satisfaction. And much more. Again, the stakes are HIGH.

👉 How will you cast your VOTE?

Will you opt for “price” only, meaning the freight broker’s low-ball quote?

Or, will you look DEEPER, knowing that the price quoted could actually COST you money?

How, you ask? 👇

💸 Your contact is merely an ORDER-TAKER with little to no problem-solving capabilities

💸 FREIGHT CLAIMS you get stuck with

💸 RESPONSE TIME measured in hours or days vs. minutes (time IS 💰)

💸 They’re clueless as to ALTERNATIVE METHODS of shipping that could save you BIG dollars and result in FASTER transit times

For shippers, EVERY day is Election Day. And as with traditional elections, every vote matters.

🗳 We ask that you give us a call – an opportunity to earn your “vote.”

ONE THING IS FOR SURE: We’ll make sure you’re better off tomorrow than you are today. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding