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Trucking News

Straight Talk: Collaboration Over Competition

Social Posts / February 17, 2022
MFW Social Posts
February 22, 2022



Most of our competitors pit their salespeople against one another.

There’s minimal to no sharing of ideas, partnership, or simply working together. It’s one big competition to see “who can make the most sales.”

How this helps you, the customer, we’ll never know. We don’t understand that type of behavior AT ALL.

At MFW, one of Core Behaviors – that we hire, compensate, reward, recognize, and promote for – is, “We’re in this together.”

From our leadership team, to our support staff, to the people who help our customers successfully manage their freight needs every day, we are highly COLLABORATIVE. And that constant collaboration makes us far more valuable to you.

Said another way, we don’t just believe in critical thinking, we believe in “exponential” thinking.

After all, it really does matter who you work with, right?

And who do you want fighting for you every minute of every day, individual back-biters or a unified TEAM who works together to ensure your wheels of transportation run smoothly?

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