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Trucking News

The Feeling You Should Get When Accepting Your Next Job

Social Posts / October 25, 2022
MFW Social Posts
October 25, 2022



“Pinch me. Am I dreaming?!?!”

Sure, we get it. Sounds like hyperbole.

But it’s not.

At #mfw, we continue to analyze industry hiring trends (candidate needs) and adapt accordingly. Consider the following relevant criteria across the spectrum – questions top candidates are pondering:

🤔 There may be a recession looming. Will I get laid off?

🤔 What’s my earning potential?

🤔 Will I grow professionally and personally?

🤔 What’s my boss and the leadership of the company REALLY like? Will they walk the talk?

🤔 How supportive is the company culture to me and my specific needs?

Look, this is isn’t about us. It’s about YOU, our prospective candidate or new-hire.

🚛 Therefore, fill in your VERY BEST answer for each question above, then say to yourself: “Pinch me. Am I dreaming!?!?”

Here’s what we ask of anyone seeking that next important step in their career – especially with a high-growth firm like ours: Take a look at our open positions for Account Executive. Yes, like any role, we’re scouting for high performers. But as importantly we want people who are an excellent organizational fit.

💡 If you’re curious, adept at critical thinking and problem-solving, have a strong work ethic, and care more about customers than your commission, then we’d like to speak with you.

(go back and answer those previous questions one last time, pinch yourself, then give us a call!)

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding #jobsearch