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Trucking News

Trucks, Tarot Cards, And (Fortune) Tellers

Social Posts / November 1, 2022
MFW Social Posts
November 1, 2022



Yes, the spooky month of 🎃 October is officially behind us. But let’s stick with the theme just one more day. 👻 Cool?

What do the following terms have in common?

🔮 Crystal ball

✋ Palm reader

💭 Psychic

☕️ Tea leaves (reading them)

👁 Soothsayer

If you answered, “Seeing the future,” you’ve just won a year’s supply of Ouija boards! (just kidding 😊)

Here’s our point:

How do you, the ultra-busy transportation professional, “see the future” so you can consistently stay one step ahead? In other words, how do you find the time – and trusted sources – that can supply the data / advice / intelligence / knowledge necessary to tip the daily trucking scales in your favor? ⚖️

💡 At #mfw, in addition to all of the other high value we provide, that is EXACTLY who we want to be for you. Whether it’s these posts, our monthly newsletter, or other vehicles we employ to share relevant and invaluable information, we humbly ask to be your formal Fortune Teller.

🚛 Today, please call one of our Account Executives and ask how our natural curiosity – and corporate obligation to help you and your organization perform at a high level – is a key part of our daily operating focus; integral to what we provide our shipper-partners.

You already know that the right information is POWER. The question then becomes, is this is how you view your current freight broker? If not, why? Let’s change that and make you even more powerful. 💪

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding