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Trucking News

Understanding the Race to the Lowest Quoted Price

Social Posts / March 22, 2022
MFW Social Posts
March 22, 2022


Want to know why many of our competitors consistently try to undercut each other to offer “the lowest quoted price?”

HINT: It’s not because they’re better for you; trying to help keep your overall costs low. Seriously, they’re not in the business of being benevolent.

No, the real answer is because they have to generate high volume to cover their low margins.

Said another way, it’s similar to most car dealerships, budget airlines, and discount retail stores. You can buy their stuff, but don’t expect much in the way of customer SERVICE.

In essence, they view you – the customer who is trying to transport important freight – like a C-O-M-M-I-D-I-T-Y.

If that’s you, have at it. Of course, you’d have to consider the risks involved when working with a provider who objectifies you.

At #mfw, we think you deserve MORE, like industry-leading response time, high communication, and valuable technology solutions and reporting. Oh, and our prices are competitive, too.

That’s why – like with most things in life – you get what you pay for.

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding