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Trucking News

Key Metrics on Your Upper Management’s Dashboard

Social Posts / August 11, 2022
MFW Social Posts
August 11, 2022


If there’s one industry that depends on real-time information – as in all things “data” – it is the trucking industry.

Talk to a carrier or logistics firm or freight broker, and performance measurements spew from their computer systems like jetting water from unloosened fire hydrants on New York City streets.

On-time pickup and delivery. Response time. Loss and damage. Safety. If it can be measured, it will be – and in as granular a fashion as possible.

However …

Those are “field” or “ground” or “operations-type” metrics. Important, for sure, but they don’t show up on your C-level’s recurring Monday morning dashboard.

THOSE metrics include items like:

💲💲💲  Revenue

💲💲💲  Margins

💲💲💲  Growth

💲💲💲  Labor cost

💲💲💲  Productivity

💲💲💲  Customer service

We don’t ask for much in these posts, yet today we’d like some help. What are the top five to seven metrics that your senior leadership tracks, then uses to make critical organizational decisions?

If you let us know, we can almost guarantee you that we can help impact those metrics in a positive way, and THAT should hold some high value for you. Thanks in advance!

#transportation #logistics #freightforwarding